This year's camp will revolve around FCA's gospel presentation method called "the FOUR". Our goal is that ALL campers will be capable and confident sharers of this message. Our campers will, prayerfully, experience the power of a Holy Spirit transformed life. We will dive deep into why and how to be bold carriers of the life changing message found in a personal realtionship with Jesus Christ. All of this presented in a fun, relaxed, and athletically competitive environment.
Open to incoming 8-12th grade students who desire to reach their full potential as a leader for Christ. (Scholarships may be available in your area. Contact your local FCA Representative.)
DEADLINE: May 14th
Thank you for your RSVP to the first Leadership Camp Alumni Reunion. We will send out more information as we get closer to time for camp. We look forward to seeing you there!
Address: PO Box 321397 Flowood, MS 39232